
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, March 27, 2013

I forgot to mention we were mini-celebrities yesterday! The local paper came and interviewed us. We will post a picture of the story when it appears in the XinXiang Daily. Most interesting question asked: What are the big differences between the orphanages in the United States vs the orphanages in China....No wonder people wonder why we adopt from China...if we have our own orphanages....

Today started with a bang.... we drove into the orphanage and there was the young lady who has been translating for us all week. She was right at the orphanage gate with an ambulance. And there was baby who had just been abandoned. There was a cart in the back of the van with the baby inside. The baby was about 8-9 months old and they thought he had CP.  He looked healthy to us. We got in the van and gave him a little love. We looked at what he was left with: his clothes, shoes, a hat and a baby bottle. He had been left at a hospital. After we saw him, he was taken to a different hospital where the orphanage has a special room where abandoned babies are taken, their blood tested and their health, checked out.  They return to the orphanage after a few days. This was emotional for us all as moms to children who had been abandoned. We were grateful the orphanage shared this with us.

We spent hours and hours with the kids today just playing with them and feeding them.  The preemie took 60 ml and three hours later, 40 ml of milk. And then she was awake for almost 15 minutes. By far, the longest she has had her eyes open.

Moya broke out the bunny ears she had bought at Target and some of the kids modeled them. We also connected the DVD player we had bought and put on some kids shows. They love to dance ( And we sang along to Wheels on the Bus in English while the tv show sang it in Chinese!!)

Our last hour was spent visiting kids outside of First Hugs/ Gracie's Room and giving the older kids toys (thanks Mary Hughes for the toys).  It does not take much to brighten the kids' day!! We also visited some older kids in the computer room.

One of the pics below- the little one with the black eye- she fell out of bed- is a sweetie who will be adopted domestically. The police brought her in b/c a family had bought her. The trafficing of children is so very sad. And the price they pay, so high.

We have identified some needs to use the $1000 plus made from the Longaberger Basket party hosted by Cathy Reilly. Melissa DeSimone donated all of her commissions to Gracie's Room/ First Hugs. Thanks, Melissa!!) We are thinking double strollers and baby scale so far!!

You will see a picture below of a cleft baby who just loves the blanket you sent, Barbara Bennett!! They are very popular!!

Leave a comment. We would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. you ladies are doing such wonderful work. those babies are blessed to have you in their lives
